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Entries Close: Friday 22nd March 2024

LifeWorks Essay Competition 2024

You have worth not because of what you can DO, but because of what you ARE

Essays focusing on positive actions (“doing right”) that focus on or exemplify the right to life, the foundational human right.


Essay Rules:

  1. Entries must reflect the specific theme.  Entries should include consideration of key issues focussing on or exemplifying the right to life, the foundational human right.

  2. Essays should be 600 to 750 words long. If you use statistics or quotations in the essay, they must be referenced by the use of footnotes and a bibliography.

  3. Please also include in your email the following information: your name; the name of your school; your class /year; and your teacher point-of-contact.


Click here for information on How to Enter

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How to Enter

To enter the contest, please follow the steps below.  The deadline to submit your essay is 22nd March 2024


To submit your essay

Entries must be typewritten and double-spaced with pages numbered. The entrant’s name or other identifying information cannot appear elsewhere in the entry.


Please submit your essay by email to as a Microsoft Word document attachment (only).  


Please include in your email the following information: your name; the name of your school; your class /year; and your teacher point-of-contact.


Essays will be judged by an independent judging panel.  All decisions by the judges are final.​


Student must be currently enrolled in Transition Year to 6th year grades in the Republic of Ireland and Year 12 to 14 in Northern Ireland. Please email any questions to


"A constant discourse on human rights – particularly in respect of protecting the rights of the most vulnerable in society – is something that should be encouraged at every level of education. I wish this project well."


William Binchy, Former Commissioner with the Irish Human Rights Commission


For all enquiries please contact our Programme Co-ordinator on: 

T: +353 (87) 392 0198‬  |  E:

© 2020 LifeWorks Education

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